"Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles" (Acts 2:43)

Read: Acts 2:43

The word awe is defined as “fearful” and usually refers to the fear of the LORD in the Bible. Fear of the Lord doesn’t mean sheer terror. It’s having a healthy respect for God’s power, acknowledging his all-encompassing character and that he holds life and death in his hands. Early believers focused upward and gave God credit for the miracles performed through the Apostles and the salvation they offered through Jesus.

We have no less reason for awe of God today. His signs and wonders are all around us. He created everything (Genesis 1:1), holds everything together (Colossians 1:17) and raised Christ from the dead by which we are saved and made new (Romans 6:4). He has a home for each of us in his Kingdom (John 14:2), which will be established when Jesus returns (1 Thessalonians 4:16). God is the author of life through which babies are formed, and plants spring to life after winter. He puts the colour in our eyes, the sound in our voice, the scent in flowers and the sweetness in our berries. He provides us what we need. There is no one like God!


There are many reasons to be in awe of God today. In a journal or social media, list at least three things you see resulting from his character and power. Be sure to thank him for each item on your list.


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