Bible Reading: Matthew 21:22

When reading the news on your phone you will occasionally see the top 10 most beautiful places to live in the world. They are all places filled with exotic lagoons that you can swim with the turtles. You will also see the top 10 worst places to live. Currently, the top two worst places to live in the world are Damascus, Syria and Lagos, Nigeria. We all live in a physical location and a spiritual location. A thought bubbled up in my mind this week, “What is one of the worst places to live for a Christian?” A location that is one of the most dangerous, most vulnerable oppressed places to live. I believe one of the worst places for a Christian to live is the place called Prayerless.

Prayerless is one of the most dangerous places to live. Prayerless is one of the most vulnerable places to live. Prayerless is one of the most disgruntled places to live. Prayerless is one of the most oppressed places to live. Prayerless Christians live knowing the truth but never get around to actually doing it. This is one of the most difficult places to live.

Have you ever wondered why does God want us to pray? The believe the first reason is to establish who our trust is really in. Prayer expresses our trust in God and is a means whereby our trust in him can increase. As children look to their fathers to provide for them, so God expects us to look to Him in prayer. Since God is our Father, we should ask in faith. “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith” (Matthew 21:22).Humble trusting people pray. Self-reliant people do not.

Another reason we pray is because we have been created for fellowship with the Lord. Prayer brings us into deeper fellowship with God where He loves and delights in us. We also pray realizing that it is God’s desire to involve us in His plans. In prayer God allows us as creatures to be involved in activities that are eternally important. When we pray, the work of the kingdom is advanced. In this way, prayer gives us opportunity to be involved in a significant way in the work of the kingdom and thus gives expression to our greatness as creatures made in God’s image.

Prayer is powerful! Have you ever wondered why keep praying when you don’t see results? If God has all power, why don’t I see more of it? Think about this: For him to release that power, do we need to pray?


Take time to write down all the excuses used to stop yourself from prayer. Now, take a moment to pray through them and ask the Lord to help you to increase your prayer life and become a prayer warrior for your family, your pastor, your church, yourself, and your country.


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