We must release the power of God through prayer. There is no limit to what God can do in and through the saint. But the saint limits the working of God in and through him by the degree of his yieldedness to the Spirit. How much of God’s power are you measuring out to your family? Business? City? How much of God’s power are you distributing to the situation that you need God to work right now? Is it possible that God has done His part and now we distribute this power out? God’s unlimited power is limited to our prayers. God has all power but His unlimited power is limited by prayerlessness. Am I going to distribute His power? Am I going to measure it out to my situation?

Elijah prayed 7 times for something God already said He was going to do. Why? It is because he was releasing what God wanted to do in His life. Elijah’s fiery praying and God’s promise the rain. E.M. Bounds says, “Prayer carries the promise to its gracious fulfillment. It takes persistent and persevering prayer to give to the promise its largest and most gracious results.” Daniel prayed 21 days to see the fulfillment of his prayers. Per Daniel 10:2-3, 12-13, the first day Daniel prayed an angel of the Lord left heaven with the answer. There was spiritual warfare that was hindering the answer from reaching earth. Daniel continued to pray and bring this answer to earth and did not stop after 20 days. Has what you are praying for already been answered but we need to pray it from heaven to earth?

In Revelation 5:8 and 8:1-5, the prayers of the saints are likened unto incense that fills the bowls of heaven. God adds His fire (power) to Our Prayers. Priests stood twice daily before the inner veil of the temple and burned incense so that the smoke would carry into the Holy of Holies and be swept into the nostrils of God. That symbolized the people’s prayers rising to Him. When the bowls get full with our prayers, there is an angel whose job it is to add fire to them and send the answer back to earth.

How full are your bowls for your family, future, church, city, business? How full is that bowl? Continue to pray until you see the full power of God released in your life and others around you. Don’t grow weary in doing good but press through the spiritual warfare declaring the victory of Jesus. His power lives inside you and is released through your prayers.


Take a time or pray through an area of your life that needs a victory in your life.


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