A New Devotion

Bible Text: 1 Timothy 4.12-16

Timothy is a young man. Probably, he has dreams, as has seen what the Lord has done through Paul's life. He also knows the risks involved following Jesus. Timothy has been a follower of Jesus all his life, even though he is young.

Timothy receives now letters from his mentor. They are honest letters, drawing a clear picture of his future work. Paul does not desire Timothy to lose focus. For this reason, he writes, ". . . devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching" (1 Timothy 4.13).

Life quickly takes our mind from the Lord to our circumstances. Doing so, it seems we are facing giants incapable of overcoming. It brings worry. Our mind tries desperately a way out. It is hard to find a way forward. We lose sleep, and our life seems out of control. STOP!!!

It is so easy to go back to our old patterns of thinking and behaviour. It is not what the Lord has for us. A new devotion brings a new look to our lives. Devotion helps us silence the noises around our world, leaving behind the distractions, to have a clear vision about our circumstances.

The Bible helps us to know God and His purpose. It reveals His plans and the future. It is in the Living Word that will ground our everyday life. I can not emphasise enough how much benefit we encounter for regular reading and meditating on the Word of God.

Today, I want to invite you to read the Bible carefully and underline those words or sentences that speak in your life. Take time to consider why they mean so much. Then, pray to thank God for talking to your life. The Lord is always ready to spend time on the couch.

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