Creation and recreation

Text: Revelation 21.1-7

Creation points with such beauty to the Creator. The Creator that made heaven and earth and established the whole creation. In the beginning, it was perfect, good. The harmony of creation was expressed by God’s presence. 

There were no signs of pain, neither discord, or conflicts between people and animals. Creation was an echo of God’s favour and goodness. This is the reason why, even today, the world points to the Lord God. The world is His, even when the world has the mark of the fallen. The actions of the first humans left an imprint that change all.

The watermark of God is mirrored on Creation, sadly all people should acknowledge it is not any longer what it was created to be. Sin had consequences that are hard to understand in their totality. Adam and Eve diverge the direction of God’s plan. Through their actions, a terrible curse came upon the world and creation. Sin was the source of the pain we still experience today. Hopelessness took the heart of men and women, only Jesus were able to restore the lost world.

This is what we discover in Revelation 21:1-7. God’s promise is being fulfilled in front of the apostle John’s eyes. In Christ, the Father has revealed the ultimate plan to recreate all. Hope inspires our heart through the beauty. God is opening the door to the new creation. Today, things may not seem brighter. However, you should not despair, because the Lord is setting everything right again. He welcomes us to be part of the new creation, as we are made anew by the Holy Spirit. Creation is a beacon of hope that lights the path ahead of us and points our faith ultimate restoration of the world.

Today, take a minute to look around. Allow God’s creation to draw you closer to the beauty of the Lord and the hope that we have in Him, as he makes all things new. I would like to invite you to listen to the song “All Things New” by Hillsong Worship and be filled with joy.

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