
Text: Psalm 104.24-35

Psalm 104 starts and ends with the words, “Praise the Lord, my soul”. The beginning and the end are a proclamation of praise to the Almighty God. In fact, the whole psalm is a review of the greatness of God in creation and, therefore, a meditation on God’s providence. To consider such things, helps us to draw closer to God and worship Him.

If we are sincere with ourselves, our daily situations (children, work, news, stress, etc.) can take our attention away from God. It is not easy to just plug-in and worship the Lord. I find myself missing so much of God’s creation, because my mind wanders off to my daily concerns. My wife calls me to really see the beauty around us, otherwise I would miss it. How easy it is for us to be carried away and not once lift our eyes to the Lord, and worship Him that created the earth.

Let us open our spiritual eyes, God has revealed through the authors of the Psalms that all of creation is called to worship. It is not just appreciation, it is a spiritual connection, a true relationship with our Creator. His providence is intended to draw us near. He wants to spend time with us. God’s glory exists to draw us closer and to open our senses to discover the Father.

It is when we draw near that we find the source of all beauty and power. Worship declares the wonders of God and His character. It changes us as we grow closer to the Lord, our God.

I invite you today to take a few moments to consider a time when God brought you closer to Him through nature. Consider how you felt at the time, and how you feel right now. Thank God for being the One that sustains us always.

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