Rejoice in the Lord

Bible Reading: Philippians 4

Today’s reading has one of the most known verses in the Bible, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4).

This verse lifts our souls. We love to be glad, joyful, happy and to rejoice. Would it not be fantastic to be able to rejoice always? It is not easy. One day, we will, when the Lord comes back.

Paul wrote these words when he was in house arrest, chained to a Roman guard and awaiting a trial that could be a death sentence. Paul had all the arguments to feel sorry. Christians in Philippi were neither in a comfortable situation because they were poor and outcasts. They could have reasons to complain. Yet, Paul’s word was “rejoice”.

It is never easy to rejoice when we face difficult circumstances, or our family suffered injustice. Life is unfair. There are reasons to feel distressed. However, a joyful heart is such good medicine when we face hardships.

A joyful heart revives our hopes when it points to God’s good works in our lives, our families, the world and the future. If we open our minds to what the Lord God is doing, a joyful heart helps us take away our anxiety, fears and worries. God’s generosity leads us to a place of gratitude, and our spirits rise to be filled with gratitude, even when we face a season of sadness, disappointment or trials.

Today, I invite you to continue writing three things that express your gratitude to God. Take time to memorise Philippians 4:4. It will help you to remind you to believe more on God’s generosity, even when circumstances say otherwise.

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