Words reveal the heart

Bible Text: Psalm 19.14

After a short break, we return to our daily time "On the Couch with God." Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with Jesus. Interestingly, prayer reflects much of what it is in the heart. The Lord knows what we think and consider the deepest secrets of our thoughts. He is not surprised. Our thoughts are known by Him.

King David realised this fact. He knew when He wrote Psalm 19 that the Lord knew him, insight out, as God knows us. This is the reason why David finished this psalm with a prayer. "May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer" (Psalm 19.14).

These are the words that many ministers start their sermons today. The reason is the significant meaning of this verse and the implications for our lives, even 3,000 years later.

Jesus spoke openly about the same concept when He said, "For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of" (Luke 6.45). David knew this to be true. I have realised to be correct, as well. Our words speak what our heart is all about. We strive to present ourselves in a certain way. However, sooner or later, our real self always appeals by the evidence of the words.

Don't despair or get frustrated, my friend. David gave the best advice by his example. He prayed to God. David asked to grow deeper into God's will. He asked for his heart to become pleasing to the Lord. He wanted his thoughts and words to bring glory to God.

Today, I would like to invite you to consider a particular situation that you may find challenging to remain calm. It could be at home, at work, at church, with friends or family. Pray for God's wisdom to think and say what it will please to our "Lord, Rock and Redeemer." You will be grateful for once you have gone through. The Lord will be with you. 

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