"And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved" (Acts 2:47b)

Read: Acts 2:46–47

The early church never stays the same. It grew miraculously by continually looking upward toward God and then outward toward non-believers. Luke records in Acts the story of the Holy Spirit changing lives and drawing more and more people to the Gospel message of salvation through Jesus. God loves to grow his church.

There are two mistakes churches make today. One is making growth more important than people by focusing on finances. The other is committing not to grow because there are already too many people. Luke wants us to see that Christianity is always about adding new believers—and has been since the beginning.

God’s love for people and his power is what causes growth. We follow the early believers’ lead by becoming students of our faith and family with each other, committing to prayer, awe, and praise and displaying Christ-like character leading to favour with all people.


Which of the above ideals in Acts 2:42-47 do you need to focus on in this season of your life? Choose one and ask God to help you take action and grow. Share and ask for support from your small group leader, spouse, mentor or a close friend.


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