Death is Conquered

Fear seized them all, and they glorified God, saying, "A great prophet has arisen among us!" and "God has visited his people!" (Luke 7:11-17)

In this passage, we see two times when Jesus raised someone from the dead. The Centurion's servant and the widow's son are being raised to life by Jesus. The first thing that we should pose with is Jesus's power. With the Centurion, Jesus did not even need to go to the house and see the servant. His word, from afar, was enough. With the widow's son, it took just these two words: "Get up."

Second, we see Jesus as the compassionate Saviour in this passage. It's too easy to imagine Jesus as a powerful, unapproachable being. Certainly, He is powerful. But He is not removed from the pains of our lives. He sees us in our need and sorrow and treats us with compassion. Jesus is powerful, and He is near, approaching humans in their pain with the utmost love and care.

Third, this passage points to an enemy that had never been faced successfully: physical death. It's interesting and important to notice that Jesus' actions here are almost casual. He's doing something that's never been done, and it's calm. He is treating the death as though it's an annoyance. With just a phrase, He's setting it aside. In this passage, Jesus raised people from the dead, but He would defeat it fully and finally at Calvary. This is the precursor to the ultimate battle won on the cross. We look forward with hopeful expectation, knowing that Christ has defeated death on our behalf. He has done what He should never have had to do because He loves us.

LET US PRAY - Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son to do what we couldn't. Thank You for rescuing us from death. Help us to live as people unafraid of death because we belong to You. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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