Walk in the Spirit

Stand firm then . . . with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:15

“Think fast!” That’s typically the words you heard as a kid a split second before a ball came flying at your face. In most of those situations, we’re too distracted to see the ball coming and it falls to the ground after leaving an imprint on our cheek. When it comes to spiritual warfare, the stakes are much higher than a ball coming at your face. The enemy is attempting to establish a beachhead in your family, the relationships of those you love and want to protect. One thing you can never overlook is the enemy’s tenacity. He is relentless in his quest to destroy everything good in your life and the life of your family.

My prayer is that over the past three weeks you’ve been able to begin to sense the attacks of the enemy in a way that you never have before. Walking in the Spirit is developing a sensitivity to the Spirit’s direction on a daily and even hourly basis. When you quiet your soul enough to listen to the Holy Spirit inside of you, He will tell you where your feet need to move. The Spirit will tell you where the battles are, where the enemy is attempting to infiltrate, the web of lies the enemy is spinning. The Spirit will lead, if you’ll listen.

Here’s something you can try. Try walking around your house with your eyes closed for ten minutes. Put a timer on, put a blindfold on and attempt to do normal activities and chores around the house (or even better, outside, just stay away from roads)! You’ll quickly appreciate how much clearer life is when you walk with your eyes open. In the same way, when you walk in the Spirit it’s like opening your spiritual eyes, and you’ll be overwhelmed at how much clearer your world becomes.


1. This is the second cycle through the ten steps to spiritual warfare and the second time we’ve talked about walking in the Spirit. Is this concept becoming any more familiar to you or is it still foreign and strange?

2. Over the past three weeks, what do you feel the Spirit has been telling you? Where has He been directing your feet thus far?


The next step in walking in the Spirit is to listen until you hear the Spirit speak to you. That doesn’t mean that you have to sit in one place in some type of meditative trance. It’s about awareness. Actively listen today and see what the Spirit tells you to do. Don’t get discouraged if it’s unfamiliar at first.


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